Monday, March 25, 2019

More News From The Design Lab

Quarter Two was a busy one for STEAM classes in the Design Lab. Entrepreneurship students in our
full year, Advanced Topics course, who are designing for students with multiple and severe disabilities,
determined the problems they wanted to focus on and used the business model canvas to define the
value their products would create. They will continue to refine and iterate their prototypes and present
their results in a public forum at the end of the year.

Two of the second level electives, Design for Modern Production and Design/Build are working jointly
with fifth grade Edgewood students to solve problems in certain spaces at Edgewood. Beginning with a
field trip to Edgewood, teams of students, both high school and elementary, toured spaces and identified
problems. The teams have been simultaneously designing solutions, giving feedback to one another
via blog posts and Google hangouts. The high school students will build the solutions before the end
of first semester and present them to Edgewood students, faculty and administration. High school
students learned to work with younger students, helping them through the design process

Robotics students learned programming, building and mechanics through a maze challenge. Now,
after learning the basics, they are designing a grand prix race around the classroom and will run
time trials with their robots. Introduction to Engineering students have had a taste of robotics
through creating mini mazes to navigate with pre built robots and Design and Fabrication students
are seeking ways to add value to our school community.

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