Friday, February 17, 2017

From Prototype to Pitch

Eric Walters, at Marymount, put together this anthology of stories by educators working with Design Thinking and Making. It's now available on ISSU:
I've written a chapter about how we, at Scarsdale, built the case and the mindset for Design and Maker education by working across disciplines to create lessons that can be done in classrooms. Once the Design Lab is finished, we will have teachers ready to use it and students who understand the value of constructing something to demonstrate their understanding of complex knowledge. 

SHS Design Lab Blog

Lately, I've been blogging for my school about the new STEAM courses that are running this year: introduction to engineering and introduction to design and fabrication. Check out the posts here: We just started our second semester teaching these two courses, in a Physics lab, in an effort to build the program before we have the space. At the same time, we have been planning for next year's courses and putting finishing touches on the Design Lab's plans. To learn more about the lab, watch this video: